This ensures that those files are loaded before this one, meaning it will never load before the class has been created. pbo, or in one of the dependencies sections of a. pbo must be listed as a requiredAddon, either in the same. Note that if you use a weapon from another.
This is read as 'RH_m4_RIS_M68_PEQ15 inherits RH_M4_RIS.' Any changes created inside the brackets will override any settings in the original item. In this case, the original class is declared, 'RH_m4_Ris' then the new class is created, followed by a colon, and then the original class. First you must declare the class, and then, when creating your new class, tell the game it is a 'child' of the original class. Instead, you can inherit a class, and just change the things you want to change. If there is another gun, say 'RH_m4_Ris' that you want to change, you do not want to have to reprogram the entire weapon and just change a couple things. In order to do this, you must understand how inheriting other classes works. To add sights, go must actually create a new weapon and add the parameters for the LinkedItems. If you want to use weapons that have sights or other attachments on them, they most likely don't initially exist.
Once the basic sections in you config.cpp have been set up, you need to begin actually creating the soldiers and vehicles.