Several of our most popular mods are rather large so downloading those with a poor connection will not be a good experience. There are ways around this (Steamworkshop mod downloaders, putting mods on a different site like Nexus /moddb / etc). The biggest issue with option 1 is that the vast majority of mods are on Steam Workshop which will not be available to all players using EGS. When Epic adds official mod support to EGS we plan to make changes so that the Mod Dev Kit and the Client treat it the same as Steam Workshop. In order to do this the dedicated server must have port gameport+10 (TCP) open. When we launch on EGS clients will be able to download mods using the Mod Mismatch GUI. Players can directly download mods from a dedicated server. After that they can use the Mod Menu in game to manually order/activate their mods, or connect to a server and have the Mod Mismatch system update their modlist automatically. Players can download the mods from a third party location and place them in the Mods folder. On EGS we can not do this due to the fact that they do not have a Steam workshop equivalent. On Steam we rely on the built-in mod-downloader to handle any issues with mod mismatches between the client and server. We wanted to take a moment to fill you in on how mods will work on Epic Game Store (EGS).